Finding your own Way: Both –And.

A velvet Elvis. Seriously. 

A personal message from your friendly blog manager:

For some time now, I have been conflicted. Conflicted over whether to cut loose my deep connection to shamanism and the Great Nature Spirits in favor of a full serving of committed Zen. Zen, the pragmatic “here and now” approach that has helped me on so many levels to get out of my own way; helped me realize that logical, rational thought is fine. . . fine in its place, but that there is an ever more profound place for compassionate, intuitive, direct perception.

And then I realized, through what I can only call a shamanic infused zazen session, that it is not a matter of “either or,” but it is, and has always been, Both –And. They can unify, interconnect, whatever phrase you like, and become a path unique to me. Zen is about finding your own path. Shamanism is about finding your own Path. Both. And.

The mechanistic, positivist, materialist gods of “Either-Or” have left the building, trailing behind them is a band of imposter Elvi shrouded in velvet.

Just a rant. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind.

–Thanks, Vikara

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